Russell Bowyer

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  • in reply to: Cash Forecaster sales/customer payment terms #2884
    Russell Bowyer

      Hello Elaine,

      The sales/payment terms are on the data entry sheet where you enter these next to each of your sales types.

      Please take a look at the user guide that came with your download on page 36, where this explains how to enter this for your forecasts.

      Please respond here if you have any further questions.

      in reply to: Forecast loan balances on balance sheet #2870
      Russell Bowyer

        Hello Tim,

        I have checked into this for you. The original loan is £315,000 and if you take the total of the loan due within one year and due after more than one year, the loan account balance decreases, as follows:

        Year 1: Due in one year £58,070; Due after one year £256,930; Total due: £315,000
        Year 2: Due in one year £60,436; Due after one year £196,494; Total due: £256,930
        Year 3: Due in one year £62,896; Due after one year £133,598; Total due: £196,494
        Year 4: Due in one year £65,465; Due after one year £68,133; Total due: £133,598

        The reason the amounts of the loan falling due within one year are increasing is because this amount represents the capital element of the loan due in the next 12 months. As the interest is reducing each year as a proportion of the total amount due, the capital amount due effectively increases as a proportion of the total amount paid in the following 12 months.

        If you look at the loan schedule for each of the years and net the total repayments against the total interest for each of the following 12 months, this will give you your figure on the balance sheet for the amount due within one year figure noted above.

        For example, for the year end 31 August 2011 the repayments are £69,612 and the interest is £9,176. The net of these two amounts is £60,436. This amount ties back to your balance sheet figure.

        I know many times accountants spread the interest and capital over the loan as a fixed amount, rather than as Cash Forecaster calculates it using a reducing balance method. To do this with the way Cash Forecaster works and the other parts of the loan calculates things within the cash flow software, I’m not sure if that would work very well.

        I hope that makes sense, but if you have any further questions, please ask.

        in reply to: Password protection on Cash Forecaster Cash Flow Software #2852
        Russell Bowyer


          Unfortunately not at the moment. However, the overhead report will only show 23 of the 48 listed in any case to be able to fit them on the page.

          You can change some of the existing headings and select the ones you need to show on the forecast overhead report.

          in reply to: Query Re Emailing Reports from Excel #2787
          Russell Bowyer

            Hi Jiten,

            I have posted your question on the support forum – The best way to send reports is not to send the program, as the person who receives it will then have the program without having paid for it.

            The best way to achieve what you are looking to achieve, which is “How to Save Multiple Excel Reports to One PDF File” is to do the following:

            1. Blank the sheets you don’t want to print by using the in-built macro to close off black lines.
            2. Select the first sheet you want to print, for example, Forecast profit and loss.
            3. Either hold the ‘Shift’ key and select the further most report you want to print, or hold the ‘Ctrl’ key and select individually each of the reports you want to print.
            4. Click ‘File’ and ‘Print’ and make sure you do a print preview to make sure you have selected all that you want.
            5. Select the option to Print to PDF and save the file.
            6. Send the PDF file to your client.

            I hope this helps.

            If you have any further questions, please post them here.

            Thank you.

            in reply to: Other income titles and long term liabilities make up #2774
            Russell Bowyer

              Regarding your first question about ‘Other income titles – I have just corrected this in Version 5.1.4. this was a bug.

              Thank you for noticing.

              Regarding the long term liabilities – are you looking for a schedule of how these are calculated?

              There isn’t a schedule for this. However, this is calculated as the total of the loan outstanding at any balance sheet end, less the capital repayments due in the following 12 months, i.e. due in less than one year.

              If that wasn’t your question, please ask further.

              I will send you a copy of the latest version with the ‘Other income’ fix included.

              in reply to: Startup Cash Flow Projection Template – help please #2479
              Russell Bowyer

                Hi Tope, the sheets are password protected, but you shouldn’t need to edit the sheets. Enter your company information on the ‘Info’ tab and set your startup forecast settings there. Then enter your data on the ‘Data’ tab.

                After that, go to the report tabs like the 12 month cash flow forecast and you’ll have your forecast ready to print.

                I hope this helps.

                in reply to: Print/PDF #2469
                Russell Bowyer

                  Hello Paul,

                  Firstly, apologies for not responding to this question sooner – I missed the support question, sorry.

                  Actually the new version has just that. The macro to suppress the blank lines on the cash flow and profit forecast reports has been updated. So now when you press ‘Ctrl’ and the ‘n’ key the years that you don’t want are hidden.

                  In the settings on the ‘Info’ tab, change the forecast period to the number of months you want to forecast for, e.g. 12 months; 24 months; or 36 months etc., before your action the macro, and this will restrict the report to whatever forecast period you select.

                  So for example, if you set the forecast period to 36 months a 3 year forecast report will be shown on each of the reports.

                  in reply to: Print shorter periods #2336
                  Russell Bowyer

                    Hello again Richard,

                    I just realised, if having a report that is for 7 months only – you can use the ‘Monthly’ profit and loss report to produce a profit and loss specifically for the 7 months of your profit forecast. This will also provide you with the balance sheet as at the end of the 7 months too.

                    I hope this helps.

                    Regards, Russell

                    in reply to: Print shorter periods #2334
                    Russell Bowyer

                      Hello Richard, firstly thank you for your recent purchase of Cash Forecaster.

                      The shortest period for the software is 12 months, so this can’t be done at present in the current version.

                      Are you able to add the extra 5 months to your forecast to make use of the 12 month period?

                      Sorry about that.

                      Regards, Russell

                      in reply to: Feedback and Suggestions #2331
                      Russell Bowyer

                        Thank you Paul

                        in reply to: Feedback and Suggestions #2327
                        Russell Bowyer

                          Hello Paul,

                          Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback, this is very much appreciated.

                          I think your ideas are good and I will give them some thought of how to best integrate them. One of my core principles is to keep the software as easy to use as possible, so with this in mind and your kind feedback, I will get to adding these into the current rebuild I’m doing.

                          Please if you wouldn’t mind popping over to the Cash Forecaster page and scoring it too that would be very much appreciated too. Here’s the link to make it easy for you

                          Thank you and let me know if there’s any more help you need.


                          in reply to: Turnover and Cost of Sales Categories #2321
                          Russell Bowyer

                            Hello Paul,

                            Yes you can – if you go to the ‘Info’ tab and scroll down to the ‘Headings’ section and then in that to the ‘Profit and loss main headings’ section. You’ll see all the headings you can change there. Simply type in the green cell next to the heading you want to change.

                            in reply to: Asset purchase & payment terms #2319
                            Russell Bowyer

                              That’s great you’ve sorted it. But the other way would have been to set up a loan or hire purchase too.

                              How are you finding the software, as a review would be very much appreciated here

                              Thank you.

                              in reply to: Cash Forecaster users #2313
                              Russell Bowyer

                                Thank you for your question about software users.

                                Within the same company you can have as many users as you like, there’s no limit.

                                in reply to: Stock and building stock not to be included in cash flows #2307
                                Russell Bowyer

                                  Hi Paul – I have posted your emailed question on the forum, as this helps other users/future users with support questions.

                                  The cash flow forecasts will account for stock correctly.

                                  If you enter the stock build-up at the end of each month under the stock entry on the “Data” sheet, this will prevent the cost being entered on the profit and loss.

                                  For example:

                                  – Purchases in month 1 – £1000 – Stock entry at the end of month 1 £1000
                                  – Purchases in month 2 – £1500 – Stock entry at the end of month 2 £2500
                                  – Purchases in month 3 – £2500 – Stock entry at the end of month 3 £5000

                                  Regarding the cash flow, what you need to do is to set the payment for the stock to be however many months forward the payment is made, so that it will then appear in the cash flow accordingly.

                                  I hope this helps.

                                  Please let me know of any follow up questions.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 65 total)