Russell Bowyer
Forum Replies Created
Hi again – I have just seen your message from the ‘Contact us’ page, as follows:
‘I have left a message on the support forum for the weekly cash flow. I need you to look at the spread sheets please and allow the actual’s to be picked up in the forecast tab at the moment it seems to be picking up the forecast figures. I have two spread sheet s that need adjusting so they read properly. I can use these as my template for future cash flows, once they calculate properly. Because of the work taken in putting all the figures in I don’t want to have to do them all again into an empty template.’
Possibly the best thing will be if you could send your weekly cash flows to info [@]
I will then look at this for you.
Hello – thank you for your support question.
I don’t like to give out the cell protection password, as this avoids anyone changing the code etc.
I am trying to work out what you problem is – please would you mind explaining a bit further, so I can try to help further.
Hello Andy,
I have now had time to look into your support question – I think your data range you were referring to was actually M484 to M489. It confused me to begin with, but I went straight to M484 and found the problem right away.
When I checked, I agree the cash flow was picking up the net of VAT figure for these rows – thishas now been corrected and updated in Cash Forecaster V5.1.7, which I have emailed directly to you and your colleagues.
Thank you for picking up on this error and I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you have any further questions, please let me know and please let me have your further feedback on the overhead reports per your other support question.
Regards, Russell
Hello again Andy,
Thank you for your suppport question, please leave this with me and I will check this for you.
Can I check, does the balance sheet balance on your cash flow?
It may be I need to have a copy of your spreadsheet to see what numbers etc. You’ve entered. Would you be happy to send this to info [at] bow
Thank you, Russell
Hello Andy,
Thank you for your question. This is possible and I could do this as part of the next rebuild. However, the problem comes in trying to keep the lines on to one page. The current number of expense headings is designed to do this.
Happy to have your further input on this as to how you envisage how the report might look with expense lines for the profit and loss which goes over say two pages.
My thinking was to do it the way it is to keep it simple and tidy.
Out of interest, how many extra expense lines were you thinking?
Thank you, Russell
Hello Jenna, thank you and Happy New Year to you too.
There’s nothing I’ve written into Cash Forecaster that should stop you from copying this from one computer the next. You may want to speak with your IT person to see if there’s something else going wrong.
Let me know how this goes for you.
Regards, Russell
Hello Angela,
Thank you for your support question. I’ve posted it here for you instead of by the contact form. This helps others then who might have the same question. Also, your questions will get answered more quickly here.
Cash Forecaster is not really designed for updating in the way you describe.
I suppose you could do this, but Cash Forecaster is really designed for preparing cash flow forecasts and reports for budgeting and for using with banks and investors or shareholders and directors for raising finance or loans etc.
The product I sell which is better suited for what you are looking for is this one here:
This one is a weekly cash flow forecast, which you can regularly update to actual.
I hope this helps.
Hello Paul,
Yes you are correct.
To change depreciation for any asset you do this on the ‘Data’ screen for each asset. on the column ‘Cost of Sale’ select ‘Yes’ and this will put the depreciation of that asset above the line or as a part of cost of sales.
Thanks Russell
Things were a bit fraught at the time – and I forgot to reply, sorry!
I had a feeling you were going to try and enable certain depreciation lines being treated as a direct cost – or did I imagine that?
Hello Paul,
Thank you for your question.
I will look at creating the PDF format user guide for you.
Regards and XPS file, if you’re using a PC, this article may help, so long as you’ve got Windows 8 or later:
In the mean time, regarding the customer payment terms; the 1 to 12 represents the number of months the customer takes to pay you. So for example, if your customers pay you in 30 days, select ‘1’, whereas if they pay you in 60 days, select ‘2’ etc.
The negative payment terms is so you can include advanced payments from customers.
I hope this helps you move on with your cash flow forecasts.
By the way, similar rules apply for the supplier payment terms too.
Hi Jenna, you are welcome ?
Hello Jenna,
Ok yes this is possible.
First up set your pages you want to print by removing the zeros using the ‘Ctrl’ ‘N’.
Then select the tabs you want to print – to do this select the first tab and then hold down the Ctrl key and then select the other tabs you also want to print too.
Then when you select print, select in the settings ‘Print Active Sheets.’
This will only print the ones you’ve selected, but it will print each of the years, which if your forecast is for 5 years, it will be the full five year forecasts.
To print this to pdf, select from the ‘Printer’ print to PDF. If you don’t have an option to print to PDF, I suggest you down load this free software Cute PDF, which works really well.
Go to this link here:
Hope this works for you, Russell
Hi Jenna, regarding your second question. The profit and loss brought forward will be the amount brought forward from each of the years as your forecast progresses, for example:
Year 1: Profit and loss should be one line of profit or loss in the year, unless you’ve entered an amount in the opening data sheet (see above reply).
Year 2: Profit brought forward will be year 1 above; then you’ll have the profit for year 2 in the current year’s profit and loss.
Year 3: Profit brought forward will be years 1 and 2 combined; then you’ll have the profit for year 3 in the current year’s profit and loss.
Etc.I hope all this makes sense, but if not please asked more questions.
Finally, regarding a review, please follow this link here:
Hello Jenna, thank you for your questions.
Regarding the difference on the balance sheet for your first question, can I firstly confirm that you’ve not entered anything on the opening balances tab.
If you have, this must be in balance otherwise any differences on this will be carried through to each subsequent balance sheet.
Aside from this, the Data entry tab only allows for whole numbers and should not allow for any difference. There is an error warning to prevent you from entering anything others than a whole number.
You may have to send your sheet over to me and I can check it for you. But please fist check your opening entry tab, as for your business where it has no opening figures this should be nil as you say.
Hello Jenna,
The way Cash Forecaster works with regards to your questions:
1. Purchases, cost of sales and stock:
– Firstly, for purchases these are entered in the month these are purchased. They will appear in the profit and loss in the month of purchase.
– Against each line of purchase/supplier, you also set the credit terms you have with each supplier, so that the purchase appears in the correct month in the cash flow forecast too.
– Where any supplier is outstanding at a month end or year end this will show on the balance sheet too.
– The software then has entries for opening and closing stock, which will appear on the profit and loss account in the month you enter these.
– The net affect of opening stock, plus purchase, less closing stock will give you your cost of sales figure on the profit and loss.
– The closing stock figure will also be shown on the balance sheet in the appropriate month.2. Equity investment
Depending on what this represents, will depend on where you enter this, for example:
– If it’s a loan – enter in the loan section.
– If it’s a directors loan – enter this in the directors loan section.
– If from how you describe, it is an investment from yourself, enter this as either ‘capital introduced’ if you are a sole trader or partnership, or as additional ‘share capital’ if you are a limited company.In all the above scenarios the entries will be made in the forecasts. That is; there will be a cash introduction in the month you enter the cash investment, with an entry on the other side on the balance sheet depending on which method you choose from the above list.
– With regards to stock purchases, which the cash introduced is used for, this is a separate transaction. Follow the process in the explanation in point 1 above. In other words enter the purchase of stock in the relevant month.
3. Flat rate VAT at 8%:
At present Cash Forecaster doesn’t cater for the flat rate VAT scheme. All it caters for is for a VAT registered business, a non VAT registered business, or a business that registers for VAT during the cash flow forecast period.
There are so many variations for VAT that could be included and I will consider looking at this.
– But there would be a work around, where you could enter an extra sales line for the period whilst your business is on the flat rate of 8%. Enter 8% VAT rate on these sales and then in the month you change to the full 20% VAT rate, add another line of sales at the full rate of VAT.
– The problem with this is that you will also need to do the same with your purchases and overheads. This does get a bit messy then.However, I will put this on my list of possible upgrade options for the software.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.