Hi Dean,
That is a good question, and I’ve not necessarily set the cash forecaster to deal with loans given, but this only becomes a problem if you are going to charge interest on the loan. If you don’t intend to charge interest by Company A to Company B, then enter this under “Other Debtors” on the “Data” tab in the month the money is lent.
To enter loan repayments, simply enter the amount as a negative on the same row as the original loan in the months the repayments are made.
In Company B this is easier, as you can enter the loan on the “Data” tab under “Loans and hire purchase” Enter the loan in the month in which the loan was received. You can change the headings for each loan on the “Info” tab under Loans and hire purchase. This setup will deal with interest charged, term of loan etc.
However, if you prefer, and if no interest is charged, and to keep things simple, use the “Other creditors” section on the “Data” tab in the same way described above for Company A.