Bonus Calculation

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  • #6922
    Andy Evans

      Hi again,

      Is it possible for a DATA cell figure to be calculated based upon the sum of figures above it for Bonus Calculation? The SUM function is disabled in the workbook when I try it. For example, I’d like a line to calculate a % of the sum of the income for that specific month.


      Russell Bowyer

        Hi Andy, The sum function is only disabled on the main pages to avoid messing up the formulas in the program. What you can do is to add an extra sheet with your workings and calculations as an appendix, which is what many clients do. You can then feed these numbers into the main sheets.

        I hope this answers your question, but I noticed you’d also asked a question on the contact form, which I’ve also sent you an email for.

        Cheer,s Russell

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