Monthly balance sheet with forecasts
Monthly balance sheet with forecasts seems to be as important as monthly cash flows reports and profit and loss reports.
I hadn’t realised the importance for businesses of having a monthly balance sheet with forecasts until a recent wash of requests for this.
Previously our cash flow software had a year end balance sheet only. It also and the facility to pull up a balance sheet separately for each month.
So true to our guarantee of adding a feature to the product before you buy or within 30 days of purchase…we did this for two customers.
So now Cash Forecaster Software has a full month by month balance sheet report included too. This is also projected for up to 7 years forward.
So if monthly balance sheets with forecasts is something you need then the latest version of Cash Forecaster Software has this built in.
We are also working on the next version of the software which will have a few more improvements. Most of these improvements or features have been requested by customers.