5-Steps How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business

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  • 5-Steps How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business





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5-Steps How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business

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Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity...and this is all about preparing to buy a business. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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Once you understand seller finance – it will be your own limits that control the size of business you buy, not how much money you have in your bank account! Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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Buying a business is less risky, provides instant cash flow and will save you years of time vs starting a business. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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The more letters you send, the more connections you make, the more calls you will receive, which leads to more conversations with business owners, the more confident you’ll get…be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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On Day-1 of completion you own the business, it’s only the consideration that is deferred and seller finance can literally take minutes to agree. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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100% of the consideration is funded by the business itself, so no external funding is required. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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Alternatives to 100% seller finance include asset finance and invoice financing, which are assets of the business you intend to buy...but try for 100% seller finance where you can, as this is far quicker and better if the seller needs to sell quickly. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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12 advantages for you as the buyer and 12 advantages for the seller, with the idea you create a win-win outcome. For the seller, the top advantages are that their problem is solved, speed of the sale and the tax benefit of taking the excess cash from the business. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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You hold the balance of power when it comes to buying a business, as there are less buyers looking to buy vs owners looking to sell…with the ultimate power of being able to “Walking Away!” Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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You are looking for business owners who want to sell “YESTERDAY” because they are motivated sellers, not because they own a terrible business, but because of external problems they need to deal with and you become their problem solver. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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Motivations to sell a business which are driven by the need to sell (Prompted by external circumstances) vs wanting to sell (driven by personal preferences, aspirations, or strategic considerations). Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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You need to agree a purchase agreement with the seller on the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, down payment, interest rate, repayment schedule, and any collateral, which is explained as a share sale or an asset sale using a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for protection. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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Seller finance is far better than bank lending, as it’s less risky, far quicker to agree and arrange, and less onerous on you. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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A summary of seller finance together with questions and answers on seller finance. Be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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This is the complete recording, but if you prefer to learn the subject in bite-sized chunks, watch the individual videos below. Either way you get the same amount of information, plus if you want to re-watch a particular section, the individual videos will be a far better resource. Also, be aware this recording was made life and some of the participants had their microphones on, which means that on occasion there is a bit of background noise.

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If you didn't buy the Business Valuation & Seller Financing Calculator at the time of buying the course, you may need to buy this now if you want to use this software

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About the teacher

Russell Bowyer

My name is Russell Bowyer and I've been in business since 1993 in one way or another. One of my first businesses was one that I started from scratch, which was a Chartered Accounting Practice. This business took a long time before it was making decent profits, during which time I struggled financially from month to month. But when I bought my million-dollar business, I had instant profits and cash flow from day-1 and I used very little of my own money to buy it. This business was a design, manufacture and fitted furniture business that I knew nothing about when I bought it, which is a topic I explain in more detail in my free training video and of course in this course too. The exact same 5-steps that I took to buy this million-dollar business are all included in this course. So, if its instant cash flow you want, and if you want to give up your 9-5 job and replace this with a ready made stream of profits from a large profitable business, I recommend you at least watch the Free Training Video.

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