How cash flow software with bank overdraft works (With automatic overdraft interest)

By Russell Bowyer

Cash flow forecasting software with bank overdraft functionality makes it easy to prepare forecasts for your bank manager. If your business needs to prepare cash flow projections to forecast the level of overdraft required as part of your working capital requirement, then it’s important to find easy to use software to save you time and effort. Especially if you’re not used to preparing complicated spreadsheets with Excel or similar.

Cash flow software with interest expense included

By Russell Bowyer

Cash flow software with interest expense functionality included will include on the cash flow forecast report itself and on the forecast profit and loss report. Additionally, the loans, hire purchase or overdrafts the interest expense relate will be included on the projected balance sheet. Interest expense will be generated from within the cash flow software from two sources. These include an automatic overdraft calculation from the cash flow if an overdraft is required. Plus from forecast interest on loans and hire purchase contracts over the projection period.