How did you get started in business

By Russell Bowyer

How did you get started…. I am interested in hearing how you got started in business, as I’ve written an article for people starting out on their journey in to entrepreneurship, and I thought this would add some interest to the article, which can be found here. I myself have run many different types of business, […]

Starting your own business

By Russell Bowyer

Starting your own business…where should you start? So you’ve decided to start a new business, but you’re not too sure on what the business should be, or even if you should start one at all… I have just written an article similar to this, but more about how to find an idea for your business, […]

Cash flow forecast template monthly reporting

By Russell Bowyer

Cash flow forecast template has been updated to include monthly reporting, and is now incorporated within Cash Forecaster Software. Our cash flow software has additional reporting features, whereby you can now produce a profit and loss and a balance sheet for any period. Now you can produce reports from one month to 12 months, with […]

Invoice factoring and cash flow

By Russell Bowyer

Invoice factoring and cash flow and the use of Cash Forecaster to help you in your business Your business may already be factoring its invoices or invoice discounting. Or alternatively you might be considering the use of factoring or invoice discounting as a source of business finance. So what is invoice factoring vs invoice discounting? The […]