Cash flow software download upgraded

By Russell Bowyer

We have just upgrade our cash flow forecasting software Cash Forecaster to version 4.1.2. The reason for the upgrade has come from our user recommendations and to enhance what the software does, and the upgraded version includes the following new features: 1. VAT (Sales tax/GST) feature. We have improved this feature by adding the ability […]

What is your goal in life?

By Russell Bowyer

What is your goal in life? This is such an open question, and I’m not too sure how many people actually ask this question…and those that do; ‘do they come up with the right answer?’ Is there a right answer to this question? Well probably not really. The right answer will be different for everyone […]

Cash Forecaster Software Introduction

By Russell Bowyer

Cash Forecaster Software Introduction. We’ve put together a short video, to introduce our easy to use cash flow forecasting template Cash Forecaster Software. However, since making this video we have introduced another benefit for you, which is: If you notify us immediately of a feature you’d like included when you purchase Cash Forecaster Software, we’ll […]