5-Steps To Buy a Million-Dollar Business

5-Step How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business is for anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur and buy a 7-figure business with 6-figure profits, without wasting months trying to figure it out on their own. SPRING SALE: Save 75% on Lifetime Access for Just £297 (Normally £1,297). Offer Expires Soon.

"He's one of the most caring mentors that I think I've come across. He really genuinely cares about you succeeding...the information is brilliant...gives you everything you need to know to help you build your confidence...he has helped me in a massive way...if you're on the fence of buying his course, buy his course it's brilliant...it's a great course, it will definitely help you with everything that you need to know."...or hear this testimonial in Sam's own words:

Sam - UK

"In terms of value, your course is outstanding!...your's is I thought sensational value...I love your spreadsheet, I think it's just like gold...I just really like the way that you teach, I loved it...for me your course overall value, ease of learning, it's the best one that I've done!"....or hear this testimonial in Tanya's own words:

Tanya - Australia

"it’s definitely helped with the confidence side of things...explaining what the actual benefits would be to the seller, so understanding that side of it...it helps me definitely build my confidence with it already just by explaining the other side."

Sam - UK

"In terms of value, your course is outstanding!...your's is I thought sensational value...I love your spreadsheet, I think it's just like gold...I just really like the way that you teach, I loved it...for me your course overall value, ease of learning, it's the best one that I've done!"

Tany - Australia

"you are a star...Its a pity there isn’t more around like you – it’s so refreshing to actually get proper support for a product and your wish list answered too!!"

Angela - UK

"I found Russell's course to be extremely comprehensive, easy to follow, and fantastic value. It's a great course to start with if you are new to buying a business for little to no money down. I also highly recommend Russell's Business Purchasing Funding System software - it's an excellent resource for determining the profitability of the business and its capacity to fund its own acquisition. I have no hesitation in recommending this course!"

Tanya K - Australia

"It was so nice speaking to you and your guidance is very much appreciated...I most certainly would not hesitate in recommending they contact you. Yet again many thanks for your advice and help."

Julie Write - UK

Let's Face The Truth...Learning About Buying An Existing Business Online Doesn't Work...

No Step-by-Step Guide

Sure there are resources online, but none are as complete and comprehensive that cover everything you need to buy a million-dollar business.

Expensive Alternatives!

Most courses cost $5,000+ and many require you to travel to a classroom and book into a hotel, where the cost of a hotel will be more than the cost of this course.

A Waste of Time!

You might find much of this course free on YouTube, but that might take several weeks (if not longer) to research. Plus one mistake could cost you $1,000's.

According to Forbes...

"90% Of Potential Business Buyers Fail...The vast majority of prospective small business buyers are first timers. They have never gone through the process. While they may have the acumen to operate the business, they have zero experience in the buying process.

They spend hours searching endless business for sale listings trying to figure out which one may be right. They are not prepared to properly question the seller, know what research to do, how to compile an accurate valuation, or conduct a flawless due diligence.

Buying a business is a massive decision that brings with it an enormous potential upside when done right and horrific downside when done wrong. You cannot guess your way ahead.

The successful business buyer takes time to educate themselves and to have an experienced and unbiased mentor to assist them. They determine what business is right for their skills."

Introducing 5-Step How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business

Lifetime access to the only affordable online business buying course that gives you lifetime access to two different programs

5-Step How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business

The Smart Way To Buy A Business

Learn how to finance the acquisition of businesses to begin your entrepreneurial journey; where to find businesses to buy; how to value businesses; what questions to ask; save time in your search; uncover great businesses vs bad ones; how to negotiate; how to use other people's money and learn due diligence.

Business Buying Questionnaire PDF
Makes Buying A Business Easier

Asking the right questions about the business you want to buy is a crucial part of the process, which is why you also receive a PDF list of the right questions to ask the owner about them and about their business. This PDF questionnaire includes over 50 key questions to ask, which will make you look like a pro!

5-Step How To Buy A Million-Dollar Business: Course Curriculum

Step 1: Using Seller Finance (or Deferred Consideration) To Buy a Million-Dollar Business

People think that because they have no money they can't buy a million-dollar business, but the truth is the absolute opposite of this. Once you know how to finance the purchase of a business using other people's money (which in this case is borrowing the funds from the owner of the business and the business itself, or actually, the business funds its own acquisition using the assets it has to fund the deposit, and the business's cash flow to fund the balance), your horizons are opened up and the possibilities are expanded beyond what you thought they were.

Please watch this important first step to buying a million-dollar business, as this will get you off the starting blocks, and on your way to buying a million-dollar business! Having little to no money will no longer be what stops you from buying your very own million-dollar business.

  • Why seller finance is the most important first step to kick-start your entrepreneurial journey.
  • How to finance a million-dollar business using the business you're buying to pay for itself.
  • Learn why I recommend 100% seller finance or deferred consideration to buy a million-dollar business.
  • Learn why businesses with profits of over $100,000 are my recommended minimum benchmark.
  • Learn why more profitable businesses are better suited for buying with seller finance.
  • This step builds confidence that you can buy a million-dollar business.
  • Learn about the key differences between seller finance vs bank lending.
  • How borrowing from a bank is more risky and could cost you a great deal.
  • Learn why using the company's cash at bank becomes a massive win for you and the business owner.
  • How to structure a deal using seller finance or deferred consideration.
  • Learn about other sources of funding to fund the purchase and protect yourself at the same time.
  • How to use a special company to buy the business.
  • How to buy a million-dollar business with just $1.
  • At the end of step one, you'll know how to fund the purchase of your very own million-dollar business.

Step 2: Finding Million-Dollar Businesses To Buy

Business brokers often get in the way of a good deal, and in many ways they can hamper the buying process, which is why it's much better to look for businesses where a broker is not involved. I teach you other alternatives to find million-dollar businesses to buy, which means you are more likely to uncover a great deal to buy a business near you.

The more places you have to look for million-dollar businesses to buy, the better the chances are that you will succeed (and in a quicker timeframe) to buy your very own million-dollar business.

  • How to find businesses that are not already for sale.
  • How to quickly research and evaluate businesses for sale online or with a business broker.
  • How to choose the type of business to buy.
  • Learn about the types of business to avoid.
  • Normal markets vs growing markets vs declining markets.
  • How to quickly assess a business.
  • How to deal with business brokers.

Step 3: How To Value A Business And What Financial Information To Ask For

Knowing how to value a business is a key step in the process to buy a million-dollar business, and by knowing this skill will make sure you don’t pay too much for it. There are two key elements to valuing a business, which are its financial performance and the underlying characteristics about a business (and its owner), both of which impact on its true value.

The financial performance of a business will be supported by its underlying financial statements, so it is important you know what financial information to ask for and then how to interpret this information, which is why this aspect of valuing a business is covered in this step of the course.

There are also several key characteristics that affect a business's value, so it's important you understand what these characteristics are, which are explained in this step of the program. Once you understand the key characteristics that affect a business's value, you need to uncover which characteristics apply to your target company by asking all the right questions, which is covered in step 4 of this program.

  • What financial information to ask for about a business.
  • How to interpret business financials.
  • Methods of business valuation.
  • How to choose the right valuation method.
  • How to correctly value a business.
  • What business factors and owner factors affect the valuation profit multiple, and ultimately the value of a business.
  • When to avoid buying a business.

Step 4: What Questions To Ask The Owner About Them And About Their Business

Asking all the right questions about a business and its owner is an important step to uncover important details about the business and how it runs, so as to correctly value the business. But this step of the process is also about building rapport with the owner and to uncover their real motivation for selling their business too.

The best way to achieve the aim of this step of the process to buy a million-dollar business is to have a checklist of questions to ask, which is why I include a "Buying An Existing Business Checklist" with the course.

  • Important questions to ask about the business owner.
  • Learn the key questions to ask about the business.
  • How to build rapport with a business owner.
  • Why building rapport is key to buying a million-dollar business.
  • Free PDF Buying an Existing Business Checklist of questions.
  • How to discover an owner's real motivation for selling, and why this is important.
  • Why you need to focus on motivation vs money.
  • How to negotiate a great deal.

Step 5: Doing Due Diligence

If you can do the due diligence yourself you will save time, as you won't have to spend time looking for an accounting firm to do it for you and you won’t have to wait for them to find a slot to do the work. Time is of the essence when you are buying a million-dollar business, especially when you're at the stage where you’ve found a great business, you've negotiated a good price, and the owner has accepted seller finance or deferred consideration.

Secondly, if you can do the due diligence yourself you will save money too, as you are no longer outsourcing the job.

Doing due diligence is a very teachable skill, and is what I teach in this step of the program, so you’ll be able to do this yourself with confidence.

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  • How to do due diligence on a million-dollar business.
  • What information to ask for to check the business numbers.
  • How to uncover if a business is in financial difficulty.
  • How to check if a business is making the disclosed profits.
  • How to check if the underlying information supports the information you already have.
  • How to negotiate a "Head of Terms" with the business owner.
  • What to include in a "Head of Terms".
  • How to save money with solicitor costs.
  • How to choose a solicitor.
  • What are warranties and indemnities.

Bonus #1: Business Buying Questionaire - Worth £97

  • Use this to work out the value of a business, and the best purchase price for your target company.
  • Use it to review what sources of finance are available to you.
  • Run various "what-if" scenarios for each business before making an offer.
  • Review the accounting figures of your target business to highlight any major fluctuations.
  • Includes the "Buying an Existing Business Checklist", which is the document you take with you to meet the owner to ask all the right questions.
  • This information encourages you to think more carefully before making an offer for any business.
  • Business Buying Questionnaire PDF is included as part of the course and is worth £97.

What's Included In 5-Steps To Buy A Million-Dollar Business


Fast video learning to buy a business


Free PDF Questionnaire questions to ask business owner


Free letter template to write to business owners


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Meet Your Instructor

Russell Bowyer - Property investor and property course author

My name is Russell Bowyer and I've been in business since 1993 in one way or another. One of my first businesses was one that I started from scratch, which was a Chartered Accounting Practice. This business took a long time before it was making decent profits, during which time I struggled financially from month to month.

When I bought my million-dollar business, I used very little of my own money to buy it. This business was a fitted furniture business. The exact same steps that I took to buy my million-dollar business are all included in this course.

The difference between buying my million-dollar business vs when I started my own business was the instant cash flow I enjoyed. This was amazing!

With big dose of hindsight, I have used my life-lessons and what I learned during my own entrepreneurial journey to enhance this program.

Which means that you'll save a massive amount of time and money when you begin your entrepreneurial journey, using these 5 steps.

What is almost even more exciting than buying a million-dollar business, is growing a business. Which is what I did after I had bought the fitted furniture business.

I managed to grow this business from sales of $2 million and profits of just over $125,000, to sales of $3.25 million and profits of over $300,000 using my Increase Profit Software.

This is something you'll be able to do once you buy your own million-dollar business.

But once more with hindsight, and with what I have learned since, you should also be able to smash my business growth results. This is especially the case if you use the strategies you'll learn using the $100M Offers book by Alex Hormozi, which I recommend you buy and read along side Increase Profit Software.

Prior to buying the million-dollar fitted furniture business, I co-invested in an elderly care home business, which was on its knees when I first invested in the business alongside two other investors. I helped my co-owners grow this business from a turnover of $375,000 to around $1,400,000 with profits of over $140,000, before I sold my share.

But enough about me, as you probably don't really care about who I am and why I created this course.

Right now, all I care about is CAN I ACTUALLY HELP YOU?

It took me a while to find the right million-dollar business to buy, and during that time I learnt a lot about finding businesses; speaking with agents; working out what questions to ask business owners; deciding on which businesses to take to the next stage of negotiation; calculating the value of businesses; then negotiating with business owners; and doing due diligence on the ones where a price was agreed.

In a number of cases, had I not asked the right questions and had I not done the right due diligence, this might have cost me tens of thousands of Dollars in buying the wrong business.

My course distils all my learning, knowledge and experience from my accounting and tax background to starting and selling my own accounting business; my experience investing in a business that I grew to be a million-dollar business; and in buying a million-dollar business into this online course.

  • Benefit from my mistakes, so you don't make the same mistakes that could cost $1,000's;
  • Benefit from my wins that could save you $1'000's;
  • Benefit from my experience of buying a million-dollar business, so you learn how to do business research and to negotiate with business owners;
Russell Bowyer, as seen in the Financial Mail

Who Is This Course For?

  • You want to be an entrepreneur.
  • You want to buy an existing million-dollar business.
  • You already own a business and you want to expand by buying another million-dollar business or competitor.
  • You don't have enough money to buy a buying a million-dollar business.
  • You don't know the right questions to ask business owners.
  • You're not sure where to find the deals to buy a million-dollar business.
  • You're not sure about how to read business financials or even what financials to ask for.
  • You don't know how to value a business, and you are worried about paying too much for a business.
  • You don't know how to do due diligence, which can be expensive if you get an accountant to do the work for you, and you're prepared to learn how to do due diligence yourself.

Who This Course Is NOT For?

  • You are not open to new ideas.
  • You are the type of person who likes to join courses & groups and make others feel bad for not knowing as much as you do.
  • You're not interested in buying an existing million-dollar business.
  • You're not interested in discovering how you can minimise how much of your own money vs other people's money you invest in buying a million-dollar business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What skill level is this program for?

5-Steps To Buy A Million-Dollar Business was designed to help would-be entrepreneurs buy an existing 7-figure business using seller finance or deferred consideration --> and to be confidence in negotiating with business owners, after having learnt from the course how to find the right business and how to value it, after using the buying a business checklist of questions you get free with the program to ask all the right questions, and then how to do due diligence, so you don't pay too much for the business or worse still buy a business that's worthless.

Can I watch the course more than once?

Yes you can watch the course videos as many times as you want, as you get lifetime access to the course, which will be continually updated.

How soon after paying will I be able to take the course?

The minute you've paid for 5-Steps To Buy A Million-Dollar Business, you'll be given immediate access to the content so you can start right away.

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

How does lifetime access sound?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this program for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

YouTube is a fantastic resource with more free tutorials than any individual is capable of watching on helping you buy a business!

But a side effect of only learning on YouTube is that you'll waste many hours learning the same thing, searching for tutorials only to find partial answers and not having precise exercises designed to help you truly learn the skills you're after.

If you want to develop your skills FAST, the 5-Steps To Buy A Million-Dollar Business With No Money is for you. Plus, what is your time worth? 

This program will save you weeks of frustrated time searching for answers, plus it will increase your chances of buying the right business, plus it will stop you from paying too much for an over-valued business, or it will prevent you from buying a business that could be worthless (or certainly not worth the ridiculous amount it's advertised for). These learnings alone will on their own more than pay for your investment in this course.

Plus, if you try to learn this stuff on YouTube, you won't get access to the free Facebook Group, where you'll be able to ask questions if you get stuck on your buying a million-dollar business journey. On this free Facebook Group, you'll be able to be inspired also by other people's journeys that will be similar to your own.

If your time isn't worth that yet...Stick to YouTube until it is!

Can I watch the course on my Smartphone?

Yes you can watch the course on your Smartphone. This means you can watch the lessons almost anywhere. You can even listen to the lessons in your car too.*

*Please only listen to the videos and don't watch them if you are the one driving the car.

The Best Time to Start Is NOW, Which is Before You Begin Your Search!

Never before has there been a course like this to help you buy a million-dollar business using other people's money, which includes all the tools and learning so you don't make costly mistakes in the process.

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Purchase With Confidence...It's Risk Free!

I'm not asking you to decide yes or no today...I'm asking you to make a fully informed decision, that is all. The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not the outside. So you get on the inside and see if everything I say in the above free training, and on this page is true and valuable to you.

Then, and only then, if it is, that's when you decide to keep it. If it's not for you, no hard feelings, but you get to keep the free bonus listed above, even after you've received a full refund. You will then, after signing up using the link below, be able to make a fully informed decision that this is or isn't for you. But you can't make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking at the inside of it.

And know this...whether it's 29 minutes or 29 days from now...if you're not happy, I'm not happy. For any reason whatsoever, if you want your money back you can get it, because I only want to keep your money if you're happy. All you have to do is email [email protected] and tell me "gimme my money" and you've got it, and in short order. You can only make such a guarantee when you're confident that what you have is the real deal and I'm fairly confident that when you sign up below, you're getting exactly what you need to BENEFIT.

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DISCLAIMER: 5-Steps To Buy A Million Dollar Business is a product of Bowraven Limited. Please understand these results are not typical. The Trademark 5-Steps To Buy A Million Dollar Business refers to a goal for some people to buy a million-dollar business, but it's not a promise or a guarantee of that success. Many people fail because like any business it requires hard work, skill and dedication. Before making business decisions consult financial and legal professional advice in your jurisdiction. The results stated on this landing page and discussed in the 5-Steps To Buy A Million-Dollar Business program are our personal figures and in some cases the results of previous or existing clients. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THE 5-STEPS TO BUY A MILLION-DOLLAR BUSINESS. So in short, the only person who can make your business successful is you. We are simply here to provide information to help you along the way.